Lilacs are 'Heavenly' to me.
I could sit under a tree for hours and suck in the scent like a greedy child at her mother's breast.
Too visceral?
I'm being completely honest.
Lilacs are Heavenly.
But what do I mean by 'Heavenly'?
Beyond this realm? Yes
Other worldly? Yes
Transported from another place or time? Yes
I feel all that when I catch a whiff of lilac in the warm spring air.
I believe, down to my bone marrow, that I am not from here - Earth.
I believe I originated in Heaven: beyond this realm, other worldly, another place.
I am from God, and God is from Heaven.
I believe the Earth, Sun, Moon - the entire Universe - was created by God.
He chose to set man on Earth and it was all perfect.
For a time......
I won't get into the Fall of Man, sin and the Curse this morning because we all know the Earth - and mankind - is not perfect.
I am eternally grateful for the sacrifice of a Perfect Man who took the price of my imperfection and renewed me to my original design in God's eyes - that of a much loved child. But it's moments like this morning - when I caught the liliacs praising God through growing and flowering and releasing that Heavenly scent into the surrounding atmospere - that I'm reminded of my own 'Heavenly' duties and destiny.